The goal of all our developments is not only the natural reproduction of instruments and music measured against the live experience, but also to enable the emotional experience and intuitive understanding of music. To achieve this, we have developed a holistic approach to the subject of music reproduction, which has led and continues to lead to many developments in equipment and interface-technologies. For only the understanding of interactions and skilful composition and tuning of a music system will lead to satisfying results over the long term. The building blocks for this composition, components, cables, power supply and mechanical components, are available from us. But there is more than this, because just as important are almost 40 years of experience in the assembly and tuning of high-quality systems. Give us a try.
Tradition - music pioneers since 1980
1980 The Audioplan company founded by Volker and Renate Kühn
1981 Development of the first loudspeaker: Kontrast I.

1982 First high-end mains filter in the world: PowerPlant.
Introduction of mains phase measurement for system set-up.

1983 Two patents are issued to MusiCable. Audioplan becomes a global pioneer in the audio-cable sector. First special power distribution strips with recommended component sequence are introduced.
1984 First serial production loudspeaker with spikes and sand filling: Kontrapunkt I.
Development begins for the PowerStar power outlet distribiutor with neutral component order.

1985 First serial production loudspeaker with bi-wiring/biamping option: Kontrast II.
1986 1986 Introduction of the Sicomin carbon-fibre component base.
Development of the MusiCable-X-Wire phono cable.

1987 First high-end workshops in Germany, 8 years before others take up the idea.
The "Kontrapunkt II" enters the market.

1988 PowerPlants der neuen Generation werden eingeführt.
1989 MusiCable is equipped with the unique Sicomin microphonic damping.

1990 The Konzept I loudspeaker shows how to increase efficiency from a small loudspeaker cabinet.

1991 The Kontrapunkt III represents a new quality level in small loudspeakers.

1992 Audioplan offers the power filter for everyone - Volksfilter.
MusiCable PowerCord - the first balanced mains cable from Audioplan is released.
1993 Release of the Kontrast III, developed from the Kontrast II with modified bass reflex system and revised driver technology.
The conceptual work for a large Audioplan loudspeaker begins.

1994 The Audioplan PowerStar goes into production.

1995 Kontrast IIIi: More open, faster and more efficiency from the same cabinet volume.
The Kontrapunkt´s tenth anniversary is the occasion for the development of the limited special edition Kontrapunkt "Silver Signature".
Thomas Kühn takes over 49% of the company shares.

1996 PowerPlant 100 is introduced.

1997 1997 Audioplan introduces the first PVC-free and FCK-free mains cable.
FineFilter II is launched.
PowerStar G is advanced from the original PowerStar

1997 Kontrapunkt IV introduces the new AntiSpike technology.
AntiSpikes replace spikes from metal with better sound for all loudspeakers.

1998 A new Audioplan patent on conductor resonance damping CRC (Conductor Resonance Control) enables enormous advances in mains, signal and loudspeaker cables.
Finally the Konzert I is presented. The largest Audioplan loudspeaker to date operates as a 2 1/2-way design with Resonance Nulling System (RNS) and virtual infinite baffle.

1999 MusiCable LS8, the first CRC LS cable, goes into production.
MusiCable SuperAF, the first CRC interconnect cable, goes into series production.
STEREO magazine wires its demo system at the High End trade fair completely with MusiCable CRC.

PowerCord G and PowerStar G are again significantly improved.

2000 The FineFilter S with switchable filter characteristics and ground conductor filtering is the new standard for mains filters.
Audioplan receives "Best Sound" rating at the High End 2000 (largest high-end trade fair in the world) by STEREO magazine.
The FineFilter G arrives at the end of the year.

2001 20 years of work for better music reproduction: Audioplan.
Kontrast IIIs comes onto the market with further changes.
With PowerCase Audioplan offers the customer a case with all power products: Cables, filters, distributors for testing at home in G and S versions.

2002 MusiCable LS4 CRC and LS6 CRC complete the LS cable range.
The Kontrast gets a new bass-midrange driver and is now called Kontrast IIISi.

2003 The Kontrast IIIsi is introduced as the last version of the III series.
The Konzert II is launched with modified drivers and a complete redesign of crossovers, damping and enclosure-construction.

2004 Advanced development of the FineFilter S.
Thomas Kühn takes over Volker Kühn's shares with effect from 1 January 2004 and becomes the sole owner of Audioplan.
2005 Second generation CRC signal cables are introduced. SuperAF CRC becomes more flexible and new, lower-priced types such as Triple-Coax CRC are added.

2006 Third generation PowerPlant technology is developed: PowerPlant 1500 Ultimate is the first commercial product in this range.

2007 The Kontrast IIIsi is completely redesigned and presented as Kontrast V at the HighEnd 2007 in Munich.

2008 Presentation of the new Konzert III at the High End in Munich. With the new development UIC 88 A, the MusiCable interconnect cable range is expanded in the upmarket range.

2009 The brand new ULS 88 A loudspeaker cable goes on sale and perfectly complements the UIC 88 A interconnect cable.

2010 The newly developed Kantata compact loudspeaker is introduced and replaces the Kontrapunkt IV.

2011 FineFilter S and PowerPlant 100 S are revised and brought up to date.

2012 The new MusiCable BIC7A and SIC9A are launched.

2013 The first generation of PowerCord U is launched. More filter effect without loss of dynamic range results in a significant increase in sound quality. A big step forward is also made with the PowerStar SIII.
2014 The SLS-9 loudspeaker cable complements the interconnect cables introduced a year earlier. The most important innovation is the modified damping concept, which makes flexible mechanically damped cables possible for the first time.
2015 The further developed top cables UIC88B and ULS88B come onto the market.

2016 BLS-7 completes the range of speaker cables at lower price-ranges. PowerPlant 1500UII is developed.

2017 The Maxwell interconnect cable range starts modestly with Maxwell A and ambitiously with the Maxwell P phono cable.

2018 After almost 30 years of cable development, a major step forward, even a breakthrough, is achieved with the Maxwell U. The line is complemented by Maxwell S. The Kontrast VI is created, originally as a preliminary study for new loudspeaker models.

In 2019, as with the interconnct cables, a major advance is achieved with Faraday A, Faraday S and Faraday U. Faraday A is musically better than ULS88B. The Konzert IV is launched.

2020 The PowerStar goes into its fourth generation. The PowerStar S4 once again pushes the boundaries of what is possible with a power distributor for audio application.

2021 The Maxwell L is qualitatively at home between Maxwell U and Maxwell S and has inherited the musicality of the Maxwell U.
What has been achieved with signal and speaker cables is now possible for the first time with mains cables: a big step towards natural music reproduction is achieved with Ampère S in highly digitalized surroundings. PowerPlant 100S4 and PowerPlant1500U3 are also new and complement PowerStar S4 and the Ampère S to the current Audioplan mains-supply product-range.